The AIRM captures the knowledge on information and data that is exchanged within the ATM community.
Using the AIRM promotes semantic interoperability - the ability to exchange information with unambiguous, shared meaning.The AIRM therefore plays a role in the overall interoperability improvements achieved by SWIM.
The AIRM captures terms and definitions from an agreed set of ICAO annexes and documents, as well as from global information exchange models such as the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM), the Flight Information Exchange Model (FIXM), and the ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Model (IWXXM).
These terms and definitions are clustered together by subject. The following subjects are covered: Air Traffic Operations, Aircraft, Airspace Infrastructure, Base Infrastructure, Common, Flight, Meteorology, Stakeholders and Surveillance.
The AIRM is available for free under a Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) licence.