Capacity analysis methodology

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The capacity analysis (CAPAN) methodology was developed and is used by EUROCONTROL to support the development, validation and implementation of proposals for airspace and capacity improvement.

The CAPAN methodology calculates sector capacities, based on the evaluation of air traffic controller workload, through a fast-time simulation. 

Workload and capacity assessment studies following the CAPAN methodology are performed in close coordination with operational controllers at the air traffic control (ATC) unit concerned, in order to determine the workload of simulated controller positions for a given traffic sample. 

The methodology takes into account highly customisable controller task list and controller working method simulation capabilities, making it adaptable to all ATC systems and working environments.

Evaluating air traffic controller workload and sector capacity makes the CAPAN methodology particularly useful in case of changes to the airspace structure, to the route structure, to ATC procedures or to the ATC system. The CAPAN methodology allows to confirm expected benefits before and after implementation of the change.

Key features

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    The CAPAN Methodology is a simulation-based technique to evaluate controller workload and sector capacity in air traffic control (ATC) environments.

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    The methodology uses RCAPAN, a customised version of the fast-time simulator RAMS Plus, to model the ATC operations and generate discrete events that trigger controller tasks.

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    The controller tasks are grouped into five categories: Flight Data Management, Conflict Search, Coordination, Standard Radio Telephony, and Radar.

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    Each task has a specific time weight that represents the controller effort to perform it according to local procedures. The sum of all tasks for a sector over an hour determines the workload of the controller.

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    The methodology assumes that a sector reaches its theoretical capacity when the workload reaches 70% of the available working time.

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    A regression analysis is applied to derive the average sector capacity in terms of hourly entry rates or occupancy.

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    The methodology involves active participation of controllers throughout the process to validate input data, various simulation parameters, conflict detection and resolution logic, and output results.

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    The methodology can be used to assess controller workload and sector capacity for both ACC and TMA environments, and to evaluate the impact of different airspace structures, procedures, or ATC concepts.

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