Investigating anomalies centrally is more efficient and leads to significant cost reduction for both air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and aircraft operators.
We use monitoring tools for installation at ANSPs’ sites to systematically process surveillance data and automatically detect initial signs of deficiencies - for example, the intermittent loss of detection, double detection, faulty Aircraft Identification or faulty transponder EHS content.
A unique laboratory test bed has been developed for this kind of investigation. It is capable of thoroughly testing all the capabilities and operations of any transponder. With this test bed, it is possible to investigate and resolve transponder anomalies, so avoiding expensive flight trials.
In the context of SUR Avionics Monitoring, EUROCONTROL maintains a regularly updated list of surveillance avionics design deficiencies and the Service Bulletins produced by manufacturers to correct them.
We cooperate closely with EASA to resolve avionics issues.