Stakeholder event

Workshop on NATO’s use of civil standards

Laying the foundations for developing fit-for-purpose technical and operational, civil and military standards.

The aim of this workshop was to raise awareness of the NATO standardisation policy, structure and procedures with regard to:

  • the adoption of civil standards;
  • the procedures to develop new dual-use and other standards in collaboration with civil standards development organisations (SDOs);
  • fostering relationships between defence and civil standardisation communities.

The workshop was aimed at experts on NATO subject matters, SDO members, representatives of service management groups, and defence organisations of NATO member/partner nations.

Our contribution

EUROCONTROL’s standardisation and civil-military cooperation experts will participate in a discussion panel and present our activities, which are aimed at developing fit-for-purpose technical and operational, civil and military standards (EUROCONTROL specifications and guidelines).

The focus of our presentation will be on:

  • the importance of adding a military dimension to aviation standardisation in order to overcome interoperability mismatches;
  • dual-use solutions and technology convergence between the civil and military domains (ICAO and ATM master plan). Standardisation is a major enabler in this regard.

Our civil-military standardisation expertise

Standards serve as means of compliance with global and European Union requirements, support harmonised deployment and facilitate an open market for our stakeholders. EUROCONTROL’s wide range of specifications and guidelines have played a central role over the years to ensure compliance to operational regulations. We have published joint EUROCONTROL/NATO Guidelines and all of our standards are subject to civil/military review and, where applicable, input. Our activities in this respect make us unique. In addition, we work with the wider ATM community to help bring stakeholder-driven specifications and guidelines to the table. Specifications such as All-Purpose Structured EUROCONTROL Surveillance Information Exchange (ASTERIX) and On-Line Data Interchange (OLDI) remain at the core of the current ATM system, following decades of progressive technical and operational developments. Other developments continue to support current operations and deployment of more immediate improvements. 

Mode 5 frequency supportability

Guidelines to help with the implementation of military IFF Mode 5.

EUROCONTROL and Standardisation

About our contribution to developing standards and to our latest Specifications and Guidelines.

Hosted by

The event is hosted by the Defense Standardization Advice (DSA), a non-governmental organisation, acting as a collaboration platform to connect international and national civil, defence and security standardisation stakeholders, industries, small and medium enterprises, academia and SDOs.

Learn more about the event