
Global TBO Symposium

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In partnership with

Global TBO symposium

The European Commission, European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), EUROCONTROL, SESAR Deployment Manager and SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking are jointly organising the first Global Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO) Symposium on 4-6 June 2024, at EUROCONTROL’s Brussels Headquarters.

The aim of the event is to showcase TBO’s benefits and the progress being made in the realisation of the global TBO concept. The event will provide a forum for discussion and exchange on all aspects of TBO, including the operational benefits, concept, enablers, and the regulatory and standardisation aspects.

Why should you attend this event?

  • To hear from stakeholders who are already moving to implement TBO. Learn about their operational experiences and the benefits it is delivering for their day-to-day operations.
  • To understand the key enablers that can support TBO, the necessary roadmap including regulatory and standardisation steps towards the future TBO operations.
  • To discover the next steps and future technologies required for full TBO implementation on a global scale.

How to attend

The event will be onsite, with livestream also provided for those who are unable to attend in person.

Please note that the venue has reached capacity and we are no longer accepting registrations for physical attendance. If you would like to join us live on the day, you can still register for online-only participation.

Global TBO Symposium

4-6 June 2024

Rewatch day 1

Rewatch day 2

Rewatch day 3

About this event

In partnership with

Global TBO symposium

The European Commission, European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), EUROCONTROL, SESAR Deployment Manager and SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking jointly organised the first Global Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO) Symposium on 4-6 June 2024, at EUROCONTROL’s Brussels Headquarters.

The aim of the event was to showcase TBO’s benefits and the progress being made in the realisation of the global TBO concept. The event provided a forum for discussion and exchange on all aspects of TBO, including the operational benefits, concept, enablers, and the regulatory and standardisation aspects.

Photos from the event

Global TBO Symposium 2024


Agenda and presentations

Download the agenda in PDF format.

12:00 - 13:45

Registration and sandwich lunch

Moderated by:

13:45 - 14:15

Welcome remarks by Iacopo Prissinotti, Director Network Management, EUROCONTROL

Opening keynotes

Filip Cornelis
Director Aviation, DG MOVE
European Commission
Pascal Luciani
Deputy Director, Air Navigation Bureau
14:15 - 15:45

Session 1 – Why TBO? What are the operational benefits?

TBO is the cornerstone of the ICAO vision to enable greener and more predictable air travel while optimising the capacity of our skies in a safe manner. This introductory session will showcase the expected operational benefits of TBO and highlight the opportunities that TBO will offer for operations in the future. We will hear about various approaches from different regions and stakeholders across the globe.

Presentations by:

  • Giancarlo Buono, Director Safety and Flight Operations for Europe, IATA
  • Razvan Bucuroiu, Head of Airspace and Capacity Division, EUROCONTROL
  • Hugues de Beco, Head of ATM Programme, Airbus
  • Shoji Yoshida, Director General, Japan Air Navigation Service, JANS

Panel discussion moderated by:

David Batchelor
Chief External Affairs and Communications
SESAR Joint Undertaking

Shoji Yoshida, Director General, Japan Air Navigation Service, JANS
Simon Hocquard, Director General, CANSO
Todd Citron, Chief Technology Officer, Boeing
Mariagrazia La Piscopia, Executive Director, SESAR Deployment Manager
Katrina Hall, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, NAS Programs and Support - Air Traffic Organisation, FAA

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Why TBO? What are the operational benefits?

Giancarlo Buono IATA

Why TBO? The challenge

Razvan Bucuroiu EUROCONTROL

Why TBO? Operational Benefits

Hugues de Beco Airbus

Initiatives towards TBO in Japan

Shoji Yoshida Japan Civil Aviation Bureau
15:45 - 16:15

Coffee break & tour of exhibits

16:15 - 16:45

Session 2 – The Global TBO Concept: What are we aiming for?

This session will set out the global TBO concept, exploring the elements that will need to be progressed to support the future global ATM system.

Presented by:

Crystal Kim
Technical Officer, Airspace Management and Optimization
Henk Hof
Head of ICAO and Concept, and Chairman ICAO ATMRPP

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TBO Global Concept

Crystal Kim & Henk Hof ICAO & EUROCONTROL
16:45 - 18:00

Session 3 - Experience from TBO research and innovation

This session will look at the cutting-edge research already done to date, highlighting key research results from around the globe and sharing valuable lessons learned during the research journey.


Olivia Nunez
Head of Technology and Master Planning
SESAR Joint Undertaking
Steve Bradford
Chief Scientist, NextGen

Research activities

  • SESAR Joint Undertaking TBO research, Peter Alty and Gérard Mavoian, SESAR TBO Project Leaders, EUROCONTROL
  • Multi-regional TBO demo, Amornrat Jirattigalachote, Policy and Strategy Management Bureau, AEROTHAI

Audience Q&A moderated by:

Sven Halle
Regional Officer, Air Navigation Systems Implementation

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TBO: SESAR R&D Perspectives

Olivia Nunez SESAR JU


Gérard Mavoian & Peter Alty EUROCONTROL

FAA TBO Experience & Innovation

Steve Bradford Federal Aviation Administration

Multi-Regional TBO Demonstration

Amornrat Jirattigalachote AeroThai
18:00 - 19:00

Networking drink & tour of exhibits

07:45 - 09:00

Registration and coffee in the lobby

09:00 - 09:05

Welcome remarks by Mariagrazia La Piscopia, Executive Director, SESAR Deployment Manager

09:05 - 11:00

Session 4 – TBO building blocks: Enabling technologies and trajectory sharing

The realisation of TBO will rely on a number of key building blocks to allow trajectory information to be shared effectively with all stakeholders and used on the ground and in the air. This session will explore the building blocks needed to implement the global TBO concept.

Presentations by:

  • Véronique Travers Sutter, Head of the iCNS Unit, EUROCONTROL
  • Heiko Teper, Head of Strategy and Technical Execution, SESAR Deployment Manager
  • Hugues de Beco, Head of ATM programme, Airbus
  • Sherry Yang, TBO Lead, Boeing
  • Jason Rossiter, Director TBO Architecture, NAV Canada
  • Davide Tomassini, Iris Project Implementation Manager, European Space Agency
  • Philippe Lievin, ATM Expert, Collins Aerospace

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TBO building blocks: Enabling technologies and trajectory sharing

Véronique Travers Sutter EUROCONTROL

TBO building blocks: Enabling technologies and trajectory sharing

Heiko Teper SESAR Deployment Manager

TBO building blocks - Enabling technologies & trajectory sharing

Hugues de Beco Airbus

EFB Enhanced Flight Deck

Sherry Yang Boeing

TBO Building Blocks

Jason Rossiter NAV Canada

Iris Satcom contribution to TBO: Europe and Worldwide

Davide Tomassini European Space Agency

Trajectory Based Operations – Industry View. Develop a Foundation Of Enabling Services for TBO

Philippe Lievin Collins Aerospace

Panel discussion moderated by:

Paul Bosman
Head of ATM Infrastructure Division

Dr Christos Skliros, Drones Hellenic
Oğuzhan Doğan Albayrak, Sun Express & Emre Koyuncu, ITU
Christian Most, Lufthansa
Philippe Very, EUROCONTROL & Junzi Sun, TU Delft
Pavel Kolcarek, Honeywell

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break & tour of exhibits

11:30 - 12:45

Session 5 – Taking TBO global

Trajectory data will need to be shared between and across States and regions to enable collaborative decisions and TBO implementation on a global scale. This session explores the associated challenges and needs to allow the global air traffic system to implement and benefit from the TBO concept in a coherent manner.

Presentations by:

  • Magnus Molbaek, SWIM Expert, SESAR Deployment Manager
  • Lucas Curns, CSS-FD and SWIM S3 Project Lead, FAA
  • Bryan Jolly, Rulemaking Officer, EASA
  • Michael Bryan, Managing Director, Closed Loop Aviation Consulting and former Qantas Captain

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SDM/EUROCONTROL & FAA Collaboration on FF-ICE Implementation

Magnus Molbaek & Lucas Curns SESAR Deployment Manager & FAA

Taking TBO global

Bryan Jolly EASA

Taking TBO Global

Michael Bryan Closed Loop Aviation Consulting

Panel discussion moderated by:

Crystal Kim
Technical Officer, Airspace Management and Optimization

Simone Pozzi, Deepblue
Dmitrii Kirov, COLLINS Aerospace
Thomas Roque & Jeremi Carol, DSNA
Marc Baumgartner, IFATCA (TBC)

12:45 - 14:15

Lunch break & tour of exhibits

14:15 - 15:15

Session 6 – Progress on TBO implementation to date

Progress is being made by States and stakeholders. Some key capabilities and solutions have already been delivered to make initial TBO possible, such as the downlinking of aircraft trajectories into ground systems. During this session, we will hear more about these implementations, as well as understand regulatory enablers, the operational benefits on service provision, network performance, sustainability, and the human dimension.

Presentations by:

  • Augustin Gheorghe, Senior ATM Expert, EUROCONTROL
  • Enis Aksu, Pilot, Lufthansa
  • Peter Hendrickx, Head of the ATM Development Unit, EUROCONTROL Maastricht UAC

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NM Implementation of FFICE

Augustin Gheorghe EUROCONTROL

LH Group Progress on TBO Implementation

Enis Aksu Lufthansa Group

TBO - Implementation at MUAC


Panel discussion moderated by:

Razvan Bucuroiu
Head of the Airspace and Capacity Division

Monika Adamczyk, ENISA
Bahtiar Mustafa, EUROCONTROL
Isidoros Monogioudis, EDA
Theodore Kiritsis, IFATSEA
Ender Cetin, UPC Barcelona Tech

15:15 – 15:45

Coffee break & tour of exhibits

15:45 - 17:00

Session 7 – Regional perspectives

The session will explore perspectives from different regions across the globe. Participants will hear from states, manufacturers and air navigation service providers on how they are planning to make regional TBO enablers operational.

Presentations by:

  • Ivan Pendatchanski, Head of Network Management Strategy Unit & José Simón Selva, ATM expert, EUROCONTROL
  • Wei Sean Ho, Deputy Director, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
  • Blake Cushnie, Programme Director, Service Delivery, NAV Canada

Panel discussion moderated by:

Coleen Hawrysko
Director Air Traffic Organisation

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European TBO implementation - Network Manager perspective

Ivan Pendatchanski and José Simón Selva EUROCONTROL

Asia Pacific TBO Pathfinder

Wei Sean Ho Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
07:45 - 09:00

Registration and coffee in the lobby

09:00 - 09:15

Welcome remarks by Iacopo Prissinotti, Director Network Management, EUROCONTROL

09:15 - 10:00

Session 8 – The benefits of TBO for the military

This session will address how the military can take benefit of the TBO concept in the areas of military operations, airspace management, and coordination with civil operations.

Presentations by:

Igor Kuren
Military ATM Expert, Civil-Military Coordination Division
Ed Wright
Executive Director, Headquarters Air Force Flight Standards Agency

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Trajectory based operations military perspectives (Challenges and benefits)


Benefits of Trajetory-Based Operations

Edgar Wright US Air Force

Moderated by:

Thierry Closset
Project Officer SESAR Collaborative Projects in the Single European Sky Unit
European Defence Agency
10:00 - 10:15

Session 9 - TBO roadmap and next steps (Part 1)

Presentation by:

Andreas Boschen
Executive Director
SESAR Joint Undertaking

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European TBO Roadmap

Andreas Boschen SESAR Joint Undertaking
10:15 - 10:45

Coffee break & tour of exhibits

10:45 - 11:45

Session 9 - TBO roadmap and next steps (Part 2)

This session will discuss the need for a global TBO roadmap, including the research, regulatory and standardisation activities required to support worldwide interoperable TBO implementation.

Panel discussion moderated by:

Andreas Boschen
Executive Director
SESAR Joint Undertaking

Pascal Luciani, Deputy Director, Air Navigation Bureau, ICAO
Christine Berg, Deputy Director for aviation, DG MOVE, European Commission
Luc Tytgat, High Representative of the Executive Director, EASA
Katrina Hall, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, NAS Programs and Support - Air Traffic Organisation, FAA
Anna von Groote, Director General, EUROCAE

11:45 - 12:00

Closing remarks by Christine Berg, Head of Single European Sky Unit, DG MOVE, European Commission

12:00 – 14:00

Networking lunch & tour of exhibits

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