Stakeholder event

European Network of U-Space Demonstrators – 3rd Workshop

We hosted the third European Network of U-Space Demonstrators - 3rd Workshop led by the European Commission and supported by EUROCONTROL, EASA and SJU. The event took place at EUROCONTROL's Headquarters in Brussels (EUROPA conference room).


The workshop was an opportune place to discuss the demand and supply perspectives of the U-space services market. Based on the feedback received from the Network members attending the previous workshops, we put together an agenda to address the following objective: "To discuss key aspects of a common vision for the U-space services market by debating its demand and supply perspectives."

Selected speakers from every corner of the industry highlighted key areas of interest and concern. The workshop was also the ideal place for you, as our stakeholders, to interact and share your thoughts in an open discussion.

As Network members, you brought forward a broad diversity of views and highlighted your expectations from U-space services market.


The event concluded with the following key areas that the Network needs to focus on:

  1. Guarantee safety of skies in an open competition framework to deliver U-space services;
  2. Create a buoyant U-space service marketplace that addresses the business interests of all the stakeholders in the value-chain - including drone service providers, OEMs, U-Space Service providers, ANSPs, drone manufacturers, telecommunication operators, etc. – whilst creating a business environment offering cost-effective, U-space services;
  3. Promote diversity of operations associated with the varied potential applications in domains such as emergency response, healthcare, agriculture, maritime, energy, security etc. by delivering an open, flexible and interoperable U-Space infrastructure that can handle and manage such diversity;
  4. Build trust in society – by heightening public confidence in the capability of U-space Service Providers and Drone Operators to deliver the safety, security and privacy that citizens and businesses expect.
  5. Collect “lessons learned” from the worldwide U-space projects and demonstrations – to accelerate time to market and de-risk implementations in Europe, notably with emphasis on validation of the concepts of operation.


9:00-10:00 Registration and coffee
10:00-10:10 Welcome address
10:10-10:25 Feedback from 2nd meeting - actions and deliverables

Scene setting:

  • Market access principle;
  • Demand and vision.

Demand perspectives:

  • Logistics;
  • UAM;
  • Oil and gas;
  • Civil infrastructure;
  • Discussions.
13:00-14:00 Lunch break

Supply perspectives:

  • Urban Air Mobility;
  • Contributions from ANSPs;
  • Logistics;
  • Discussions.
16:00-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-16:30 Conclusions - demand vs supply comparison
16:30-16:45 Next steps