
ECHO Workshop on Higher Airspace Demand

Soaring to new heights
ECHO Workshop

As part of the European Concept of Higher Airspace Operations (ECHO) project, EUROCONTROL organised a three-day online demand and exploratory workshop. It was the first in a series of workshops to outline the ECHO project activities and progress.

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ECHO Workshop on Higher Airspace Demand

Watch our Director General's opening speech and download the presentations below.

Presentations Day 1 - Demand Analysis

Presentations Day 1 - Principles and Assumptions

Presentations Day 3 - Summary and Conclusions

About our workshop

The workshop brought together the wide aviation community to:

  • review and provide feedback on the initial demand analysis for Higher Airspace Operations;
  • further discuss the principles agreed in the European Higher Airspace Operations;
  • focus on how to apply those principles to the Concept of Operations for Higher Airspace, which will be the main deliverable of the ECHO project.

During the workshop, our ECHO project partners provided an overview of the status of the project and focused on the analysis of the demand for higher airspace on the basis of studies, use cases, principles to be able to predict the types of vehicles and their operational requirements.

Airbus Zephyr aircraft in flight

Preparing the ground for safe and efficient higher airspace operations in Europe


  1. Opening
    • Objective, approach, agenda
  2. Keynotes
  3. Introduction moderator
  4. ECHO and context
  5. HAO Demand
    • Presentation of different types of demand (vehicles and their characteristics)
  6. HAO Operations
    • Principles and Assumptions
  7. Approach for next 2 days
  1. Discussion Demand Analysis in breakout groups:
    • Four break-out groups
  2. Discussion HAO Operations in breakout groups
    • Four break-out groups
  1. Opening
  2. Summary and conclusions HAO Demand Analysis
  3. Summary and conclusions HAO Operations
  4. The Way ahead
  5. Closing

Learn more about the ECHO project

Visit our dedicated page to find out more on ECHO and the project partners.

ECHO project