
Civil-Military ATM Cooperation Workshop

Civil-Millitary ATM Workshop - banner

EUROCONTROL organised an in-person Communication and Dissemination Workshop on Civil-Military Cooperation in Air Traffic Management (ATM) matters on 23 January 2025 at our Brussels headquarters.

The workshop addressed the evolution of the Mission Trajectory concept through the lenses of the SESAR MITRANO project, as well as drawing on work currently being done by EUROCONTROL to update the existing Mission Trajectory Concept Paper from 2012.

A mission trajectory is elaborated for all military operations and agreed for each flight, resulting in a trajectory that the user agrees to fly, and the air navigation service provider (ANSP) and airport agree to facilitate.

The work underway on mission trajectory aims to identify how this concept needs to evolve to help meet the demands of growing and increasingly complex air traffic demand – especially taking into consideration new and emerging operational and technical solutions that allow for a more flexible and dynamic integration of military missions into the future European ATM environment.


The workshop aimed to raise awareness among the civil and military ATM community around the topic, and sought their feedback on how the mission trajectory concept should evolve.

At the workshop we showcased the initial results of the SESAR MITRANO Project regarding research and validation activities, and briefed participants on the ongoing work to update the Mission Trajectory Concept Paper.

The Mission Trajectory concept integrates operational and technical enablers that are key in managing military ATM demand effectively, while accounting for airspace constraints and operational requirements. To address future security, economic and social challenges, the concept needs to develop in tandem with both military and civil ATM advances, taking into account the evolving European security context.


Introduction to Mission Trajectory Concept


iOAT FPL: sharing military ATM data for collaborative trajectory planning


MITRANO Solution 0370


MITRANO SOL 0970 MT - NM validation. Network Management perspectives

MITRANO team: Cezar Neculae, Adrian Stefan, Francoise Guenin-Rambaud, Candice Iagaru, Dolores Pinter-Soler and Frédéric Bamard EUROCONTROL, ROMATSA, EUROCONTROL EIH, AIRBUS and MoD France

DMA type 3: One conceptual approach


DMA Type 3 concept demonstration

Antoine Joulia, Thomas Dubot ONERA

DMA type 3 concept validation (ENAIRE)

Rubén Rodríguez ENAIRE

Processes and operating methods for the DMA type 3

Pablo Manuel Moro Vaz and Alejandro Mora Ortega INDRA

Updating the Mission Trajectory concept document: approach and methodology

Andrea Ranieri ALG

Military perspectives on Mission Trajectory concept evolution

José Javier Chueca Ibañez Air and Space Force Staff - Spain

Accommodation of military airspace requirements within an integrated civil-military ATM system

René Bansemer DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

New entrants: RPAS operations specifics


Civil-military coordination for space-based operations monitoring: MILO/LNO function

Janis Lapins EUROCONTROL Liaison Officer to NATO Allied Air Command


Time Session Speaker
08:30 - 09:30 Registration and welcome coffee
09:30 – 09:40 Welcome Ricardo Oliveira, EUROCONTROL
09:40 – 10:00

Opening remarks: Civil-military ATM cooperation challenges and opportunities in the future European ATM

MG Karsten Stoye, Head of CMC Division, EUROCONTROL

Morning session: Mission Trajectory development in SESAR - state of play
Moderator: Igor Kuren, EUROCONTROL

10:00 - 10:15 Mission Trajectory concept, from validation to implementation  Igor Kuren, EUROCONTROL
10:15 - 10:30 iOAT FPL, sharing military ATM data for collaborative trajectory planning Cezar Neculae, EUROCONTROL
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 11:15 MITRANO Solution 0370 presentation Remus Lacatus, EUROCONTROL
11:15 - 11:45 MITRANO validation presentation: Mission Trajectory data management in collaborative trajectory planning processes and systems

MITRANO solution 0370 team:

Cezar Neculae, EUROCONTROL
Adrian Stefan, ROMATSA
Francoise Guenin-Rambaud, EUROCONTROL EIH
Dolores Pinter-Soler, AIRBUS
Frédéric Bamard, MoD France

11:45 - 12:00 DMA type 3 concept presentation Igor Kuren, EUROCONTROL
12:00 - 12:20 DMA type 3 concept demonstration Antoine Joulia, ONERA
12:20 - 12:50 DMA type 3 concept validation

ENAIRE & INDRA, MITRANO project teams:

Rubén Rodríguez, ENAIRE
Pablo Manuel Moro Vaz, INDRA
Alejandro Mora Ortega, INDRA

12:50 - 13:00 Wrap up morning session Igor Kuren, EUROCONTROL
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break

Afternoon session: Mission Trajectory concept evolution
Moderator: Remus Lacatus, EUROCONTROL

14:00 - 14:20 Updating the Mission Trajectory concept document: approach and methodology Andrea Ranieri, ALG
14:20 - 14:35 Military perspectives on Mission Trajectory concept evolution José Javier Chueca Ibañez, Air and Space Force Staff - Spain
14:35 - 14:50 Accommodation of military requirements within an integrated civil-military ATM system René Bansemer, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH
14:50 - 15:05 New entrants, RPAS operations specifics Julia Sanchez, EUROCONTROL
15:05 - 15:20 Civil-military coordination for space-based operations monitoring Janis Lapins, EUROCONTROL Liaison Officer to NATO Allied Air Command
15:20 - 15:30 Wrap up afternoon session Remus Lacatus, EUROCONTROL
15:30 - 16:30 Networking


Thank you for your interest. Due to high demand and the event approaching fast, registrations have now closed.

Background information


The MITRANO project is developing and validating solutions to manage mission trajectories, ATM data security, and collaborative decision-making between civil and military operations by addressing the ATM system and its communication, navigation and surveillance infrastructure.

The first solution involves new operating methods, services and tools to integrate mission trajectory data into the network level ATM execution phase.
The second solution will develop the Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace concept (AFUA), specifically the use of dynamic mobile areas (DMAs) of type 3 as fully integrated into the mission trajectory management process – from planning to execution.

The third solution aims to improve existing cybersecurity features. The proposed technological solution uses the data capacity provided by the recently validated Phase Overlay feature as a means of authenticating ADS-B messages and senders.

Study on the Mission Trajectory Concept Paper update

The Mission Trajectory concept aims to provide a framework for evolving civil-military ATM cooperation that can meet both civil aviation and security/defence requirements. It looks to deliver more mobility and flexibility to military operations within an increasingly complex and congested airspace, respecting the fact that military missions need to be executed seamlessly and effectively without compromising civil aviation safety or efficiency.

EUROCONTROL and ALG, the transport and infrastructure consulting firm, are working together on a study to adapt the Mission Trajectory concept to manage successfully operational air traffic in the future European ATM environment. The emphasis will be on delivering agility and modernisation, adopting forward-thinking approaches that can adapt to both technological advances and emerging threats.