Customised support to stakeholders

Our expertise at the service of our
Member States and stakeholders.


We provide tailored support to the Member States to assist them in the implementation of the Single European Sky and to improve the performance of the pan-European aviation network.

Based on bilateral agreements, we support Member State authorities, either individually or as a group, and we make our technical knowledge and expertise available to them and other stakeholders. We connect EUROCONTROL's pool of experts with our stakeholders to meet needs and requirements.


At EUROCONTROL, our Support to States (STS) policy gives more stakeholders from our Member States the opportunity to benefit from our expertise.

At the same time, we are applying a case-by-case prioritisation approach to focus our support efforts on where they are really needed.

This support is customised to the individual or regional needs of the States, on top of the activities agreed by the EUROCONTROL Provisional Council (PC) for the collective benefit of all States.

Our support programmes help stakeholders improve their ATM efficiency, enhance their capacity in key airports and associated airspaces, and reduce the impact of delays suffered by the European network. We work closely with civil aviation authorities (CAAs), assessing their performance at specific airports and advising them on the right solutions. We are enhancing our support related to improving the performance of air navigation services and network functions in the Single European Sky.

In addition, we provide and develop collaborative tools for civil aviation and national supervisory authorities (CAAs and NSAs) to help them with various tasks, such as human resources management (CARMA).

We support States in implementing the latest legal requirements and upcoming industry standards.

In particular, we help our Comprehensive Agreement States to develop policies which are aligned with the goals of the Single European Sky.

Our technical know-how and experience in standardisation ensure that our Member and Comprehensive Agreement States are fully compliant with the latest requirements.

In preparation for our stakeholders’ future needs, we are working on integrating new packages in support of airport operations and the increasing push for further integration into the network.

Specific aspects such as the implementation of UAS/RPAS are high on our support agenda, and a focus is also being placed on helping stakeholders to increase their awareness of cybersecurity risks and make decisions to address them.

In addition, we are developing support programmes to help States and stakeholders develop measures to reduce aviation’s environmental impact. As part of our efforts, a number of tools are already available for use in this area of work.

in 2024

Our support activities contributed to significantly enhancing State capabilities

Through our know-how, we helped address the emerging needs of States in various areas, from UAS and Cybersecurity, to CNS and Airport-related matters.


States received customised support

900 +

working days of support in 2023


An effort of 1349 working days has been planned for 2024.



Compliance and Regulation Management Application


5th General Assembly of AZEA

EUROCONTROL hosts 5ᵗʰ General Assembly of the Alliance for Zero-Emission Aviation (AZEA)

Press release

Strengthening strategic collaboration to enhance aviation training

Tânia Cardoso Simões

Tânia Cardoso Simões appointed EUROCONTROL’s Director European Green Sky

Press release

EUROCONTROL and ICAO: strengthening partnership for aviation training

Christophe Vivier

New military technologies will require ATM modernisation to manage airspace more dynamically, safely and efficiently

Steven Moore & Yolanda Portillo

Preparing for Summer 2024: more traffic, disruptive weather but deeper and more effective collaboration