Aviation Sustainability Briefing Issue 10

Aviation Sustainability Briefing

News and views on how we can make
aviation sustainable together

Sustainability Issue 10


Our EUROCONTROL Aviation Sustainability Briefing is all about sharing insights into how we can make aviation sustainable together. With this edition we have uncovered a couple of fabulous examples on how our sector is dedicated to doing just that. Georgian air navigation service provider SAKAERONAVIGATSIA Ltd has kindly shared their insight into how they are optimising airspace design and procedures to handle growing numbers of traffic. Their challenges and their cross-border collaboration with their partners can really educate us about efforts for more efficiency and sustainability in the region.

Supported by EUROCONTROL the Alliance for Zero-Emission Aviation (AZEA) recently launched its vision on enabling the operation of hydrogen-powered and electric flights in Europe. This edition features an article on the strategy for those wanting to know more and we are also extending our perspective from the strategy towards an area were zero- emission aircraft are most likely to be deployed first: regional aviation. In this edition we spoke to Antoine Toulemont of European Regions Airline Association about the current challenges of the regional aviation market and how electric aircraft manufacturer AURA AERO is making significant progress developing hybrid-electric regional aircraft.

What we must not forget: The climate impact from aviation stems from a combination of both CO2 and non-CO2 emissions. Extensive work is being done on gathering more data on non-CO2 emissions in order to support and accelerate the research on contrails avoidance. I am happy to say that in this edition we managed to also include an interview with Stephen Arrowsmith of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) on EASA’s Aviation Non-CO2 Experts Network (ANCEN).

Enjoy reading this edition!

Marylin Bastin
Marylin Bastin

Head of Aviation Sustainability


Our sustainability briefing articles

Tackling emissions & managing increasing air traffic

Managing increasing air traffic in Georgia sustainably

AZEA’s Vision document

The vision for zero-emission aviation in Europe

Antoine Toulemont

Interview with Antoine Toulemont

Stephen Arrowsmith

Interview with Stephen Arrowsmith

News around the world

Aviation sustainability developments from around the world

EUROCONTROL headquarters (HQ)

Latest news on EUROCONTROL’s work on sustainability

Contrails in Focus

Contrails in Focus

Meiltje de Groot , CEO of Groningen Airport Eelde

At Groningen Airport Eelde Europe's first 'Hydrogen Valley Airport' will be developed

Beatriz Yordi

Reducing aviation’s climate impacts should be seen more as an opportunity rather than as a constraint

John Santurbano

EUROCONTROL Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC) offers a new service to airlines for environmentally more responsible routes

EUROCONTROL headquarters (HQ)

Latest news on EUROCONTROL’s work on sustainability

News around the world

Aviation sustainability developments from around the world

Previous sustainability briefing issues

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