Aviation sustainability
Supporting a sustainable future for aviation

At EUROCONTROL, we actively facilitate a pan-European stakeholder collaborative approach to respond effectively to aviation’s sustainability challenges, such as the ones identified in the European Green Deal, to optimise air traffic management and the wider aviation sector.
We contribute to environment research and innovation programmes to reduce the impact of noise, CO2 and other emissions, as well as condensation trails on the environment.
We operate EU’s ETS and CORSIA support facilities to help national authorities and aircraft operators meet their reporting obligations.
We develop innovative state-of-the-art data-driven suites of models to assess environmental impacts and develop scenarios.
We contribute to increasing operational environmental performance by developing advanced metrics, best practices, tailored trainings and topical webinars to increase awareness in aviation sustainability.
All of our green services to support ECAC Member States and operational stakeholders are set to be brought together under our EUROCONTROL FlyingGreen platform - a cornerstone of EUROCONTROL’s corporate programme Raising the Bar: Building "EUROCONTROL 2030".
Data & metrics
Our network-wide view of the European ATM network generates a wealth of data that we make available to our stakeholders. This knowledge and our experience empowers us to advise stakeholder on performance improvements, with particular attention to reducing noise, emissions and climate impacts.
Impact assessment tools
We are constantly developing and improving our modelling tools to meet the needs of our stakeholders.
Airport local air quality studies
Integrated aircraft noise and emissions modelling platform
Advanced emission model
Contributing to an informed debate
Achieving a more sustainable aviation sector requires all actors to exchange views in an open forum where they can learn from each other, agree on common directions and put their acts together. Through our key products, we aim to contribute to an informed debate drawing on our knowledge, wealth of aviation data as well as our cooperation with all partners in the aviation sector.

Aviation Sustainability Briefing
News and views on how we can make aviation sustainable together

Our Think Papers explore the impact of key issues on European aviation.

EUROCONTROL Stakeholder Forum on sustainability topics
Register for our upcoming sustainability-related webinars and watch our past ones.

EUROCONTROL Data Snapshots
Our Data Snapshots focus on the impact of COVID-19 and the invasion of Ukraine on the latest network trends.

EUROCONTROL study on climate change risks for European aviation
Climate change set to increasingly disrupt aviation on the ground and in the air.
Delivering operational efficiencies now and in the future
At EUROCONTROL, we support the development of efficient procedures to improve the performance of the European ATM network. We help to optimise trajectories to reduce fuel burn, emissions and noise around airports. During the pandemic, we work with our partners to reduce airspace constraints allowing for more efficient trajectories while encouraging the development of green flight principles.
We also measure the outputs of these concepts or operational improvements in environmental terms. Some of the many initiatives we offer help stakeholders achieve greater efficiency, lower fuel consumption and fewer emissions are available here for you to explore.
CEM Working Arrangements
The effective management of aviation environmental impacts at an airport requires the engagement and collaboration of all core operational stakeholders. Our Collaborative Environmental Management (CEM) Working Arrangement is an effective collaborative approach to facilitating optimal environmental operational performance.
Climate Change Adaptation
The impacts of a changing climate and the intensification of disruptive weather events are a risk for aviation operations and infrastructure. Our experts deliver informative documentation to help raise the visibility of the potential effects and mitigation measures that can be taken to fight climate change.
Instruments to address the climate impact of aviation
We collect and harmonise data relevant for the EU, Swiss and UK ETSs and the ICAO CORSIA. Through the EUROCONTROL Support Facility we help aircraft operators fulfil their obligations to monitor and report their emissions under these market-based-measures, while reducing compliance costs. Likewise, we support States, EU institutions and aviation stakeholders to implement these market-based-measures and in their efforts to mitigate aviation emissions and other environmental effects.
European Union emissions trading system
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
Projects and services
Find out more about some of our leading projects and services