About us
EUROCONTROL is a pan-European, civil-military organisation dedicated to supporting European aviation.
European Member States
Comprehensive agreement States
outside Europe
Sites spread over Belgium, France,
Luxembourg and the Netherlands
Our raison d’être is to support European aviation and we do this by delivering technical excellence and civil-military expertise across the full spectrum of air traffic management.
At the same time we raise the key issues that face our industry and how we believe that EUROCONTROL can help dealing with these challenges.
Our activities touch on operations, service provision, concept development, research, Europe-wide project implementation, performance improvements, coordination with key aviation players at various levels as well as providing support to the future evolution and strategic orientations of aviation.
Our added value
In an industry that depends upon many different players working together, we have an unrivalled track record of bringing the aviation community together for the benefit of the entire European ATM network.
In-depth understanding
As we cover multiple domains and the whole life-cycle of the evolution of technology, from concepts to detailed standards and operations, we have an in-depth understanding of how everything fits into the whole ATM environment.
We gather and share a wide range of data – statistics and forecasts – that allow our stakeholders to have a complete picture of European aviation performance and make informed decisions for the future.
Civil-military understanding
We improve the performance of the European network by acting as a bridge between civil and military airspace users.
We have long-standing expertise, knowledge and capabilities in the field of air traffic management.
Innovative solutions
We develop solutions, technologies and operational procedures to provide enhanced levels of safety and efficiency through innovation.
EUROCONTROL has two governing bodies: the Permanent Commission and the Provisional Council. The Agency is the executive body.
The Organisation’s broadly-based stakeholder groups are also involved in steering the Agency’s efforts in order to ensure that the interests of all aviation stakeholders are represented.
Our members
We are an intergovernmental organisation with 42 Member and 2 Comprehensive Agreement States
Agency board members
EUROCONTROL is mostly financed by its Member States, in accordance with an allocation formula that takes into account air traffic and gross national product (GDP).
The budget is subject to annual approval by the Member States through the Permanent Commission, which determines the Agency's expenditure limits and the sources of funding.
Stakeholders are therefore closely involved in the budgetary process, thus ensuring compliance with Europe’s air traffic management business needs.
The budget is the financial tool to ensure the fulfilment of the Agency’s five-year work programme and the high-level Agency Business Plan. The Business Plan defines the Agency’s strategic and business objectives over each five-year planning horizon, providing measurable criteria for monitoring their achievement of the objectives.
EUROCONTROL was established under the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, which entered into force on 1 March 1963.