Terminal Charging Zone (TCZ) and Terminal ANS Charge (TNC) relate to terminal Air Navigation Services (TANS) comprising aerodrome control and aerodrome flight information services, air traffic services related to approach and departure of aircraft, and a share of other air navigation services allocated to terminal.
Comparison of TANS costs is challenging due to significant diversity at European airports. The main differences are observed in the definition of TCZs (number and size of airports included), scope of TANS services provided, traffic levels and complexity, as well as charging policies applied by different States (e.g. allocation en-route/terminal/airport).
In the Reference Period 3 (RP3, 2020-2024), provision of TANS at large airports located in the Single European Sky (SES) area is subject to performance and charging schemes with the following main requirements:
The threshold for the application of performance and charging schemes in RP3 is set to 80 000 IFR air transport movements per year. States nevertheless had an option to include also smaller size airports.
In Europe, in 2024, 26 TCZs (some 145 airports) are subject to performance and charging schemes in RP3 (generally one per State; two for France, Italy and Poland). Six SES States (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Lithuania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia) have decided not to apply performance and charging schemes to their TANS since, within their territory, there are no airports with 80 000 IFR air transport movements or more per year. The number of airports per TCZ ranges from one in several SES States to some 56 airports in French TCZ 2.
The geographical scope and the number of airports subject to performance and charging schemes is shown on the map on the right-hand side.
TANS Costs and Charges publication on the right-hand side includes terminal reporting tables and additional information provided by the SES States in November 2023 in view of setting the 2024 TANS unit rates.
The composition of TCZ and TANS unit rates in 2024 is summarized in the table.
For further information on Terminal charges, please contact Mrs Natasa Lajic from the EUROCONTROL Performance Review Unit.
The Performance Review Unit has made every effort to ensure that the information and analysis contained in this dashboard are as accurate as possible. Should you find any factual errors or inconsistencies we would be grateful if you could please contact Mrs Natasa Lajic.
In addition, EUROCONTROL has signed Bilateral Agreements with the following States for the billing and/or collection of terminal charges. Links to the respective CRCO's Information circulars are available below:
Albania | Bulgaria | Croatia | Denmark | France | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy |
Lithuania | Malta | Moldova | Netherlands | North Macedonia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden |
Disclaimer: The designations employed and the presentation of the material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of EUROCONTROL on the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.